On the occasion of International Children’s Day, Investing in The Future…A national conference discusses opportunities to promote and develop inclusive education for all

December 5, 2022
Amman, Jordan

Jordanien has just stepped into its second centenary, and despite the various measures taken by the government to reform the education sector, numerous challenges face the development and promotion of comprehensive and safe formal education in the country.

Under the patronage of Minister of Education and Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Azmy Mahafzah, and in keeping with the Children’s Day’s slogan “Inclusion, for every child”, the Arab Renaissance for Democracy and Development (ARDD) held the national conference “Investing in the Future: Comprehensive Education for a Prosperous Society” on November 20, 2022. The conference stressed the need to prioritize quality education for all children, regardless of their nationality and social, economic, and legal status, and to shed light on issues of accountability, parents’ participation in the education process, and efforts to develop this process to push communities toward a renaissance.

The conference was held within the framework of the Improved educational, social, and economic integration of Somali, Sudanese and Yemeni Minorities in Jordan “Investing in the Future” project, represented by the Deputy of Jordan Country officer, Ms. Farah Khattab, which is being implemented in partnership with our local partner in the Capital Amman, Arab Renaissance for Democracy and Development (ARDD), and with financial support from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation (and Development (BMZ). It was attended by various actors in the field of protection, education, psychosocial support, legal aid, parenting skills, livelihood, and child protection, members of governmental and semi-governmental organisations, and local and international civil society organizations and sub-working groups. A short film was screened portraying the challenges facing education in the Arab World and the impact conflicts and crises have had on it.

For more information: https://ardd-jo.org/ar/News-Room/on-the-occasion-of-childrens-day-investing-in-the-futurea

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