Our Annual Report 2019 is online

Emmendingen, 17 November 2020

We are glad to finally be able to publish the Annual Report and Financial Accounts for 2019. It has been a great effort but also a challenge to put together, prepare and summarize so much information about our projects, beneficiaries, success stories, donors, supporters, project partners, co-workers in Yemen, Jordan and Germany, and volunteers, including those who helped with translating the report in English, Arabic or German language. The amount of work and engagement that our stakeholders have invested in 2019 in our activities and projects is too large to summarize only in one annual report.

Therefore, we would like to thank everyone of them for the great contribution to bring hope through their engagement to thousands of people on a daily basis. The annual report is but a small reflection of this great engagement.

You can read or download the report hier. Please don’t hesitate to contact us per email or telephone if you have any question about the report or our projects. We will be happy to answer them!

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