New project: Emergency aid for children in Beirut

Emmendingen, 22nd September, 2020

After the devastating explosions in the port of Beirut (Lebanon), the people’s need is great; many have lost everything, buildings are uninhabitable, the infrastructure has been destroyed, and the people are deeply traumatized.

With the financial support of BILD hilft e. V. „Ein Herz für Kinder“ (A Heart for Children), Vision Hope International has therefore launched an emergency aid project for children.

At the educational center of New Vision in Beirut – our local partner since 2014 – and in particularly affected districts, 160 children whose families are affected by the explosion are being cared for. The children receive warm meals, drinking water, hygiene articles and school materials. In addition, 40 severely damaged children’s rooms will be refurnished.

The initial project duration is set for 11 months. In addition to the generous grant from BILD hilft e. V. „Ein Herz für Kinder“ Vision Hope depends on raising 12.000 Euros in donations to fully support the project needs.

You can help us reach that goal. With your donation you can support the children in Lebanon!

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