Wessam… Between the love of study and the necessity of work

Sanaa, Yemen, January 18th, 2022

Wars always cause destruction and devastation in countries and trigger fear, poverty, and unrest among the people. Later, people lose their sources of income and are no longer able to meet their basic needs, not even food…!

Wessam Ibrahim, only nine-year-old, from Al-Hodeidah governorate, Yemen, was forced to drop out of school and look for work to take care of his mother and sisters after their father left them without returning. Ibrahim left behind his wife, three children, and his disabled father. This forced Wessam to leave school when he was still in the third grade of primary school to go to work with his slim body and return at the end of the day with 250 or 500 riyals, he says – no more than $1.

After being recorded and followed up by the project team for displaced families suffering from poverty, this family was monitored and targeted for help in the General Food Aid project. They were included in the beneficiary lists and received food aid every month.

The family got enough to eat and Wissam was able to go back to school and continue with his studies. The mother made no secret of her joy that Wessam was able to go back to school:

Vision Hope and the World Food Programme (WFP) have helped to meet our basic needs, protect my child from child labor and bring him joy when he was able to go back to school. Thank you Vision Hope and thank you World Food Programme”.

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