Our Chairman Marcus Rose about crisis and chances in Yemen

Our chairman Marcus Rose was in Yemen last year. He saw the destruction of war, but also the passion of Yemeni employees. Here’s what he has to say about the current situation in Yemen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfFaZxLO7uw (English version will follow soon)

“We started a big new project even before the ceasefire: We call it “the rebuilding program”… We want to see children going back to school, families being able to support themselves, it’s possible for local people to enjoy their lives independently! We are quite a bit ahead!

At this time, we need significant support to reach the first phase of the project! Therefore: Please just support us! We need money to support the local people! To do the work on the ground that we have planned. Thank you very much!”

Our project in 8 districts focuses on the rebuilding of schools, supporting agricultural self-sufficiency for families, and providing access to clean water for entire villages. It is being implemented with 90% funding from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), with VHI having to raise the remaining 10%. Every donated Euro has thereby 10-fold effect!

Thank you to all donors who have already made a #lifesign! We have already received several thousand euros. To reach our campaign donation goal of 100,000€, we still need your support!

Join us today in making a #life sign for children, families and entire communities in war-torn Yemen!Help us make many #life signs by sharing our campaign with your friends!

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