الطقس في اليمن: فيضانات عارمة في اليمن تؤثر على أكثر من 150 ألف شخص 

Fatima Albeedh, The Country Office in Sanaa’, Yemen

Aug 21st, 2024

The ongoing Yemen’s floods have escalated into a catastrophic crisis, worsening the already severe weather conditions. Torrential rains have relentlessly battered the nation, causing widespread devastation and immense suffering. Thousands of families have been displaced as the floods sweep through communities, claiming countless lives. 

Impact of Weather in Yemen: Hodeidah and Hajjah Endure Severe Flooding 

In provinces like Hodeidah and Hajjah, Yemen’s floods have hit with devastating force, submerging entire communities. The impact of this severe weather in Yemen has left survivors in desperate need, as they struggle with the loss of homes, livelihoods, and access to basic necessities such as food, shelter, and clean water. The situation is dire, with immediate assistance critical to saving lives. 

RRM Project: Delivering Lifesaving Aid Amid Yemen Weather Challenges 

Our Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM) project, funded by UNFPA, is leading relief efforts by delivering essential aid to those affected by Yemen’s floods. Despite the challenges posed by the harsh weather in Yemen, since the begining of August we have successfully reached 6,850 individuals with emergency kits, which include: 

  • Transit kits 
  • Hygiene kits 
  • Ready-to-eat rations 

Ongoing Commitment: Addressing Yemen Weather and Flood Crisis 

Given the vast scale of the disaster, an urgent and intensified response is essential. Our commitment through the RRM project remains steadfast as we continue to provide critical assistance to those affected by Yemen’s floods. Together, we can help Yemen rebuild and recover from this devastating crisis. 

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