Give a future in Yemen: Learning and living in an orphanage

Emmendingen, 10 March 2021

War has now been raging in Yemen for 6 years. A whole generation of children has known nothing but hunger, destruction and misery. They lack everything, but especially hope for a better future and a peaceful childhood.

With our orphanages in Hajjah and al-Mahwit, we aim to do some good to counter the catastrophe: About 130 school-age boys have found a new home in this safe environment. They are children who otherwise have no perspective because they have lost their parents or their families cannot provide for them. Many of them are traumatized by the war experiences. Living in one of the orphanages, they are provided with the basic necessities of life such as food and clothing. They are simply given the chance to be kids, attend school and spend their free time together playing sports and games. In addition, the children can receive medical care and psychological support.

The project is by now financed exclusively by donations! Every year, about 1,200 euros are needed for one child. This includes, for example, the cost of meals, clothing, personal hygiene items, costs for school attendance and also local staff.

You too can help children in Yemen with your donation!

Are you considering a sponsorship? It is most helpful if you decide to support us on a regular basis. You are welcome to donate a monthly amount to support one or more children permanently. With 1,200 Euro a year you take over the full sponsorship for one child. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you are interested.

Even small amounts help to support the children. For example for as little as 15 Euros you can provide a child access to school for a whole month; with 45 Euros you can provide a child with food for a whole month; 100 Euros will cover all the monthly costs for a child (including food, clothing, personal hygiene items, medical check ups and costs for school attendance). Click here for more information on the needs in our orphanages.

Every donation makes a change! Make yours today!

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