Help for self-help

Helping Basma’s* family to help themselves in times of need

Basma’s family makes a living from farming. The family lives in a beautiful village and farming has deepened their love for the land. It used to feed the family, but during the war, the yield is no longer sufficient. Until now, Basma’s family has grown wheat. Due to the consequences of the conflict, price increases and fighting, many families like Basma’s have stopped growing produce. In addition to the high prices, they do not have the experience to expand their farming to make it more profitable.

They also had to sell some of their goats because there was not enough grass during the dry summer. The situation of the whole family seemed hopeless. But Basma never gave up hope, despite all the difficulties. Basma dreams of being able to feed his family again from the yield of his own fields. The land where the family lives is actually good land, as there are underground water sources.

Vision Hope unterstützt Bauern wie Basma mit dem Bau Bewässerungsanlagen, mit Saatgut, Werkzeugen und durch Schulungen. Durch eine Erweiterung der Anbauarten kann mehr geerntet werden: Neben Weizen gibt es jetzt auch Mais, Tomaten, Zwiebeln, Okra und vieles mehr. Für Bassam geht dadurch ein Traum in Erfüllung, er hat viele Jahre darauf gewartet. Die Bedrohung der Familienexistenz konnte abgewendet werden, Basma ist glücklich. Von der ersten Ernte kann sie nicht nur ihre Familie ernähren, sondern die Produkte auch auf dem Markt verkaufen.

Vision Hope supports farmers like Basma by building irrigation systems, providing seeds, tools and through training. By expanding the types of crops, more can be harvested: In addition to wheat, there is now corn, tomatoes, onions, okra and much more. For Bassam, this is a dream come true; she has waited many years for this. The threat to the family’s existence has been averted, and Basma is happy. Not only can she feed her family from the first harvest, but she can also sell the produce at the market.

Vision Hope International is therefore putting a special focus on agricultural projects in the next 3 years.

You too can set a #LifeSign and help families like Basma’s to break out of the cycle of hunger and hopelessness
by supporting agricultural projects.

100 € makes it possible to support a family in agricultural self-sufficiency.

Ich would like to donate to help families help themselves!

* Name changed.

You can also support our project through our project page on

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