Vision Hope joins the German WASH Network

Berlin, 1st June 2022

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) are central topics in Vision Hope’s projects. WASH needs are elementary for all humans: no life without water; no good health without sanitation and hygiene. Since the first activities implemented by Vision Hope, water is a key element in all programs. Thus, we are extremely happy that Vision Hope became a member of the German WASH Network in May 2022.

With joint efforts, the network aims to increase the impact for solving one of the biggest problems mankind is still facing: 2 billion people lack access to safe drinking water, and 3.6 billion lack safely managed sanitation!

We are looking forward to the exchange with the 25 other members of the German WASH network and the cooperation within the network and beyond. There will surely be many things to learn from other members and at the same time, Vision Hope can bring in its specific expertise, particularly from the Middle East.

Together we are stronger! This slogan is key for the network, and there will certainly be numerous occasions when we will inform about joint activities and events via our social media channels.

Here you can read more information on the WASH Network:

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