Get Involved

Join us!

With the support of Vision Hope volunteers we can achieve our goal:

Vision Hope’s work reaches over a million people every year. These are people who are given the chance for a better future through Vision Hope’s projects and who receive vital help in times of crisis. If you also want to make a difference, there are many NGO volunteer opportunities open to you. Do you have the talent to inspire others for our common cause? Are you active in sports, a teacher or do you run a socially responsible company? Or are you thinking about a classic monetary donation? The decision is entirely yours. Below you will find an overview of your options.

Get Involved - FAQs

There are countless creative ways you can support Vision Hope’s work with your school. Be it through a benefit concert, a play or talent show, a sponsored run, a bake sale or many other ideas – there are no limits to your creativity.

We are also available to provide information about Vision Hope’s work at your school. We look forward to working with you to effect positive change and contribute to a better world.

Of course, you can also get involved within your workplace. There are numerous possibilities here as well: Why not set up a donation box, organize a company run or start a bake sale?

Your commitment is crucial. Every euro you donate is matched tenfold by public funds, which means your contribution has a tenfold impact. That means your donation and your commitment have the power to support people in Yemen in an extremely meaningful way.

In addition, we take a self-help approach and focus on sustainable projects. This means that we don’t just provide short-term solutions but enable long-term change. Our projects aim to provide the people of Yemen with the tools and resources to actively reshape their lives. This helps ensure that those affected by the crisis experience long-term improvements and become more independent in the long term by strengthening local structures. Your involvement brings about long-term positive change. Your involvement as one of the Vision Hope volunteers brings about long-term positive change.

We will gladly send you information material and flyers on request. Just send us an e-mail to or call us at +49 7641 9676012. We will be happy to provide you with all the information you need.

Of course, your commitment as a Vision Hope volunteer can be confirmed. Please do not hesitate to contact us.

Vision Hope appreciates any support in empowering people to transform the world. There are many NGO volunteer opportunities, and it doesn’t always require a lot of time. Whether you’d like to participate in one of our campaigns or have an idea of your own, we’re here to help you make volunteering with Vision Hope a reality!

Here are some ideas:

  • Show your sporty side and organize a sponsored run!
  • Organize a bake sale! This way you spread joy and collect donations for Vision Hope at the same time!
  • Support us as Ambassador of Hope.
  • Help us raise awareness about the crisis in Yemen, for example through a school campaign.
  • Set up a donation box, donate together with your colleagues, sell used toys or organize a charity event! There are no limits to your creativity as Vision Hope volunteers. 
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