A Word from Stephan Krämer

“Those who carry hope can change the world!”

A Statement from Stephan Krämer, CEO of Vision Hope International

Welcome to the Vision Hope website! With our website we want to spread stories of hope – and here you can find out how you can become part of it, because those who carry hope can change the world!

Through your interest in the region, by sharing the situation there in conversation, by contributing time to volunteer support, or by donating money: You can make a difference in the lives of vulnerable children, women, families and entire communities in Yemen and other countries in the “Middle East” (Southwest Asia) and North Africa.

During my initial voyage to Yemen in 2001, I crossed paths with Matthias Leibbrand. A mere year later, he, alongside a group of friends, spearheaded the establishment of Vision Hope International e.V. During the initial years, I contributed to Vision Hope by aiding in my diploma thesis on rainwater collection in Yemen. Following a five-year stint in Yemen until 2010, during which I directed projects for Vision Hope, I initially engaged with other organizations in Germany. Nevertheless, come 2021, I made my return to Vision Hope, where I presently share the role of managing director with Matthias.

What started small more than 20 years ago has grown rapidly. Vision Hope now has implemented projects in eight countries and has about 275 staff in Jordan and Yemen, working with and for local people to bring about change. As you explore our pages, we trust that a sense of hope will naturally emanate.

Thank you for your interest and support!

Stephan Krämer
CEO Vision Hope International e.V.

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