Blog/ News
Aktuelles aus unserer Arbeit

Unwetter im Jemen: Schwere Überschwemmung im Jemen betrifft über 150.000 Menschen
Fatima Albeedh, The Country Office in Sanaa’, Yemen Aug 21st, 2024 The ongoing Yemen’s floods have escalated into a catastrophic crisis,

Armut im Jemen: Eine humanitäre Krise und die Rolle von Vision Hope International
Poverty in Yemen is a dire humanitarian crisis. The ongoing conflict that has ravaged the country since 2014 has led

Entwicklungshilfe im Jemen: Vision Hope International's Einsatz für nachhaltige Veränderungen
Yemen, a country that has been plagued by conflict and humanitarian crises for years, is at the center of Vision

Der Mut eines kleinen Jungen: Eine Geschichte über Nahrung, Liebe und Resilienz
Fatima Albeedh, The Country Office in Sanaa’, Yemen July 11th, 2024 In a world where getting enough to eat feels like

Vom Analphabetismus zur Unternehmerin: Aminas hoffnungsvolle Geschichte im Jemen
Fatima Albeedh, The Country Office in Sanaa’, Yemen May 14th, 2024 Amina (alias name), a mother of five living in a

May Newsletter
The newsletter is available now and brings you updates on VHI projects in Yemen and Jordan as well as Germany, where

Chancen vermitteln: Berufsbildung für die Integration von Geflüchteten
The Regional Office in Amman, Jordan May 9, 2024 “In this training, I found an invaluable chance to sharpen my

Verbesserung der Lernumgebungen: Schüler durch zugängliche Bildung stärken
Nour Hammad, The Regional Office in Amman, Jordan March 25, 2024 Located in Daar Saad, Aden, Yemen, Masabeen School serves

Gräben überbrücken, Träume bauen: Eine Bildungs-Odyssee
Fatima Al–beedh, The Country Office in Sanaa’, Yemen March 3rd, 2024 Imagine a child in Hays, Yemen, dreaming of a

Vision Hope gibt den Startschuss für ein neues Projekt in Al-Mahweet
Fatima Al–beedh, The Country Office in Sanaa’, Yemen February 13th, 2024 Get ready to witness transformation in Mahweet, Yemen, as Vision Hope

Ein Rucksack voller Hoffnung: Wie eine Schultasche die Zukunft von zwei Kindern veränderte
Fatima Al–beedh, The Country Office in Sanaa’, Yemen February 9th, 2024 The harsh realities of poverty and debt have compelled numerous families

Monas Reise in die wirtschaftliche Unabhängigkeit: Von der Hausfrau zur Pionierin der biologischen Kompostherstellung
Nour Hammad, The Regional Office in Amman, Jordan Febrauary 4th, 2024 The village of Al-Manshiyyah, located approximately 13 kilometers from

Projekt für Resilienz und Lebensunterhalt nimmt in Hajjah und Raymah Gestalt an!
Fatima Al–beedh, The Country Office in Sanaa’, Yemen February 4th, 2024 Empowering communities, bolstering resilience, and fostering hope – that’s the mission

Von der Not zur Hoffnung: Ghazals Weg zur Genesung
Nour Hammad, The Regional Office in Amman, Jordan January 31, 2024 In the remote corners of Yemen resides Ghazal (alias

Geschichten aus dem Alltag der Frauen im Jemen
Fatima Al–beedh, The Country Office in Sanaa’, Yemen January 4th, 2024 Women in Yemen experience a dual reality. Urban women have

Newsletter Dezember
The newsletter is available now and brings you updates on VHI projects in Yemen, where efforts are being made to

Wasser, Wiederaufbau und Erlösung: Wedads Geschichte
Nour Hammad, The Regional Office in Amman, Jordan December 17th, 2023 “What kills more severely than the hellish heat in

Der Jahresbericht 2022 in neuem Glanz
Unveiling the Revamped 2022 Annual Report Amman, Jordan, November 2023 We are delighted to announce the release of our 2022

Die Hoffnung entfachen: Eine neue Kindheit in den Dörfern Al-Lakmah und Al-Harja
Fatima Al-beedh, The Country Office in Sanaa’, Yemen November 30th, 2023 Wazerah’s life has been marked by unrelenting hardship. Born

Hoffnung durch Bildung: Wie Vision Hope die Bildungsinfrastruktur im ländlichen Jemen verändert
Youssef Sobhy, Communications and Digital Media Intern November 28th, 2023 Mr. Muhammad, a resident of Bani Muhannad village in Hajjah

Von überschwemmten Wegen zu sicheren Badezimmern: Wie VHI dem Dorf Al-Qarn Hoffnung brachte
Youssef Sobhy, Communications and Digital Media intern October 22nd, 2023 In August 2022, Al-Qarn village in Hufash District, Al-Mahweet Governorate,

Ein neuer Meilenstein in der VHI-Reise in Jordanien
Children’s creativity knows no bounds! Check out these young artists who shone in the Improved educational, social, and economic integration

Juli Newsletter
The newsletter is available now and brings you updates on VHI projects in Yemen and Jordan as well as Germany,

June Newsletter
Der Newsletter ist ab sofort erhältlich und bringt Sie auf den neuesten Stand der VHI-Projekte in Jemen und Jordanien sowie

From straw classrooms to a modern school
Sorour Aklan, Intern of Social Media June 6th, 2023 Sanaa’, Yemen Many of the children of Mahal Al-Dom village in

New job vacancies in Germany and Yemen
Amman, Jordan, 19th June 2023 Bist du auf der Suche nach einer erfüllenden Karriere, bei der du dynamische Aufgaben in

Elham… While you pursue life, there are opportunities await
Amman, Jordan December 5th, 2023 “Before the Compost Production training, I was immersed in the daily routine of the household

Together for Yemen – Insights into the Yemen NGO Exchange
May 2023 Berlin, Germany As an aid organization, we are aware that the situation in Yemen continues to be precarious.

The earthquake is more devastating than all those years of war
The earthquake is more devastating than all those years of war Vision Hope supports the victims of the devastating earthquake

Earthquake Response Syria
Earthquake Response Syria The earthquake catastrophe in Turkey and Syria is deeply saddening. Our partner organizations in Syria were able

New Executive Management at Vision Hope International
For 20 years Vision Hope has been working with people in the Middle East in emergency relief and development projects

On the occasion of International Children’s Day, Investing in The Future…A national conference discusses opportunities to promote and develop inclusive education for all
December 5, 2022 Amman, Jordan Jordan has just stepped into its second centenary, and despite the various measures taken by

Launching a new project in Jordan
Amman, Jordan In partnership with the UNHCR key partner in the legal aid for refugees and people in need in Jordan,

Empowered by the sun: Solar energy for Yemen
How solar energy changed the life of a family The family of Abu and Umm Hamudi lives in the village

4000€ for #lifesigns for Yemen: Our charity run was a success!
Berlin, October 2022 Our 18 runners ran 313 incredible laps and were able to raise over 4000€ – thanks to

New Office Opening
We are pleased to announce that Vision Hope has opened an office in Berlin! Berlin, September 2022 We are excited

The 2021 Annual Report in new gloss
Amman, Jordan, September 1st, 2022 The Annual Report for 2021 is out and invites you to browse and read it.

Our Chairman Marcus Rose about crisis and chances in Yemen
Our chairman Marcus Rose was in Yemen last year. He saw the destruction of war, but also the passion of

School places as a chance
Amal* can go back to school Amal is 9 years old. She lives with her mother and 3 siblings with

Help for self-help
Helping Basma’s* family to help themselves in times of need Basma’s family makes a living from farming. The family lives

Water for an entire village
How the inhabitants of Dhar Altaisi benefit from the construction of a cistern The village of Dhar Altaisi is located

New job vacancies in Germany, Jordan and Yemen
Emmendingen, 28th June, 2022 Are you looking for a meaningful job with exciting tasks in a flexible work environment for

Vision Hope joins the German WASH Network
Berlin, 1st June 2022 Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) are central topics in Vision Hope’s projects. WASH needs are elementary

Interview with one of our sponsors
Emmendingen, 27th May 2022 “….I want to give children the opportunity to live a good life.” We met with Arne,

Joint Open Letter to the United Nations Security Council Representatives on Yemen
Emmendingen, 28th March 2022 101 organisations working in and on Yemen urge immediate action. The conflict in Yemen will

Yusra… a countryside woman that beat her loneliness by having a sheep!
Rozana Bassam Abou Alnour, Intern in VHI Regional Office in Jordan, March 10, 2022 Yusra, the widow, lives with her

Job announcements!
February 20, 2022 As our Rapid Response Mechanism project (RRM) is expanding, we are looking for new talents to join our

5.000€ for Hope kindergartens from the charity run
Berlin, 24th January 2022 An incredible €5,116.15 was donated by the Erika-Mann Elementary School in Berlin-Wedding to Hope Kindergartens in

Wessam… Between the love of study and the necessity of work
Sanaa, Yemen, January 18th, 2022 Wars always cause destruction and devastation in countries and trigger fear, poverty, and unrest among the

Children helping children
Herbolzheim, 18th December 2021 A big thank you and praise to the pupils of Wagenstadt Primary School for their great

Give children new hope
Emmendingen, 13th December 2021 In difficult times like these, we don’t just want to be moved, we want to move!

“Peace upon this Land”
22. November 2021, Berlin, Deutschland Seit sechs Jahren herrscht im Jemen Krieg, der zu unvorstellbar katastrophalen Zuständen im ohnehin verarmten

Eman, a bereaved mother who found hope between lines of pain!
Amman, Jordan, October 13, 2021 Eman Shdeifat, known as “Um Barjas” (Mother of Barjas) is a rural Jordanian woman living in Mafraq governorate. Eman used

Our new Children’s Sponsorship Program
Emmendingen, 11 August 2021 The children living in the orphanages in Hajjah and Al-Mahwit are among the most vulnerable and

The 2020 Annual Report in new gloss
Emmendingen, July 2, 2021 The Annual Report for 2020 is out and invites you to browse and read it. So

Living with dignity despite personal limitations
Emmendingen, 30 March 2021 “An optimistic war victim,” that is what 30-year-old Ameen Alsalmi called himself after his painful experience

Give a future in Yemen: Learning and living in an orphanage
Emmendingen, 10 March 2021 War has now been raging in Yemen for 6 years. A whole generation of children has

Tasneem: a child’s speech delay and a mother’s perseverance
February 9, 2021 Reem Omar, Intern in the VHI Regional Office in Jordan A typical 2-year-old can say about 50

From a Victim of Bullying to a Passionate Student, The Story of Sana’a and Ahmad..
Noor Al Awad, Intern in the Regional Office in Jordan January 2021 Teacher Sanaa Deeb, 48 years old, is an

Where indifference ends, life begins!
Emmendingen, 2 December 2020 In the past months we have reported continuously through various channels about the situation with COVID

Letter from a donor
Emmendingen, 26 November 2020 A few weeks ago we received this letter from an anonymous donor of ours. We found

Our Annual Report 2019 is online
Emmendingen, 17 November 2020 We are glad to finally be able to publish the Annual Report and Financial Accounts for

Vision Hope International joins the Transparent Civil Society Initiative
Emmendingen, 6th October 2020 Did you know that Vision Hope International has joined the “Initiative Transparente Zivilgesellschaft” (Transparent Civil
New project: Emergency aid for children in Beirut
Emmendingen, 22nd September, 2020 After the devastating explosions in the port of Beirut (Lebanon), the people’s need is great; many
Girls Like Me: A Three-Part Series on Child Marriage Among Syrian Families
Part 2: The Effects of Child Marriage by Yasser Baroudy and Sebastian Zimmermann Edited by Keri Ladner While the conflict
Signs of Hope
Art is a natural form of expression for children, one in which they can communicate unspeakable thoughts, feelings, and experiences
The Crisis in Yemen: An Interview with Ambassador Haber
Edited by Keri Ladner The land that has long been known as Yemen has a rich history and culture that
Learning to Trust
“I especially learned one thing in the youth center: everyone carries something within him. Everyone has a passion hidden
Everyone Carries Something Within Him
19-year-old Karim has many struggles, but he finds himself in every story that he tells. He loves to share his
Dancing Is My Passion
Yousef grew up in an area of Tunis where unemployment rates are high and youth often fall prey to radical
Being Here For The Poor, Today and Tomorrow
When Nura and her family fled from Syria, they first went to the Za’atari refugee camp, just on the Jordanian
Girls Like Me: A Three-Part Series on Child Marriage Among Syrian Families
by Yasser Baroudy, Vision Hope Consultant in Syria Edited by Keri Ladner Part 1: Causes of Child Marriage Imagine living
Current Crisis
Besides the hunger and the expanding cholera epidemic Yemen suffers from the Saudi blockade. For more Information about the blockade
When Bluebird Music Academy is in the house.
Once a week there a family from the Bluebird Music Academy comes to the kindergarten in Mafrak. They sing songs,
Mahmut’s only wishes for the life of his children.
Today I visited two Syrian families in Karak. Mahmut lives here since he fled from Damascus 5 years ago. His
At Manal’s haven.
This is Manal and her family from Syria. She has four children, is 32 years old and a real superwoman.
Yara: wishing to go back to Syria.
Yara is 46 years old and comes from Hama, Syria. She has 5 sons and 2 daughters. She is already
Saida: from Syria helping Syria.
Saida is 27 years old. She left Damascus in 2013. The family of four lives now in Karak, in the
Nour: dreaming of being a judge.
Today we are visiting Nour in Karak. She is 16 years old and lives in a 3 generation house. Nour’s
Amira from Syria, and her 3 sons.
Amira from Syria is the mother of 3 sons. She lives in Karak since 2012, where she rents a small
Faizah in Kerak
Wir sind zu Besuch bei Faizah in Kerak, Jordanien. Faizah ist 22 Jahre alt und erwartet ihr zweites Kind. Sie stammt
Jussuf. From Homs, Syria.
Jussuf is around 34 years old. He’s sitting crossed-leg in front of me and tells his story. He lives near
Zahira, 5 daughters, 2 sons and 5 years.
Today’s visit at a Syrian family’s home makes it hard for me to write this lines. The destiny of the